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FINAL SCORE : BEES 1 BISON 7 (0-3, 0-2, 1-2)

By Nigel Simmonds

Sunday 4th December 2022

Refs : Mr Poulton & Mr Solovjovs
Lino’s : Mr Lalonde & Mr Sore

After Saturday evenings, very welcome & deserved victory over the Telford Tigers, your GalxC Cooling Services sponsored Basingstoke Bison, made the short trip to Slough, to take on a Bees side, that are currently in a similar situation as the Bison.. Injuries, Suspensions to key players & both battling it out for a play-off spot.

After making a storming debut the previous evening, new two-way signing Tom Barry, would sadly miss the game (playing for the Widnes Wild). D-man Josh Kelly, who returned to the line-up on Saturday, after a few weeks out (injured), unfortunately picked up a knock against Tigers & would sit out the game too. But, Alex Sampford, who missed Saturday’s game, would be back in the line-up & both Oli Hemmings-Maher & Roman Cathcart, would suit up again for the Bison.

Jordan Lawday would get the start in nets again & recent re-signing Matt Smital, would start for the Bees.

It was quite a slow start with both teams just fathoming each other out. Bees had an early chance, but Lawday made a good save.

Bees would take the first penalty, when Stuart Mogg picked up a Cross-Checking penalty (6.15), but Bison would soon level the player count, when Marcel Balaz picked up a Face Off Violation penalty (7.19), after Mr Lalonde had given him a previous warning.

Bison however, would scoot up the ice and take the lead, through Gaël Lubwele (Norcliffe, Baird), timed at 7.19. Both teams would return to full strength soon after.

Then, Bison Captain, George Norcliffe (Baird, Lubwele) would pick up the puck & skate into the Bees zone, before firing an unstoppable wrist shot past Smital, to double the visitors lead (9.57), much to the joy of the lowly amount of travelling fans, possiby due to England’s match, later that evening.

Marcel Balaz would pick up another penalty soon after, when he was awarded a Slashing call (11.51).

The next attack on the Bison net, would end with Brendan Baird & James Galazzi both exchanging Cross Checks after the whistle, so penalties were called on both (12.34).

Bison would kill off the Balaz penalty successfully and at the next whistle, Baird & Galazzi’s coincidental penalties would expire too.

The visitors would go further ahead, when Marcel Balaz’s speculative shot from the left wing, beat Smital again.. who really wasn’t covering himself in glory, between the pipes. Edgars Landsbergs & Aidan Doughty assisting, timed at 15.22.

That was all the action for the first period and as the buzzer sounded, a barrage of Teddy Bears entered the ice, due to Bees doing a Teddy Bear Toss, with all the toys going to a local charity… that’s a lovely thing to do at this time of the year, especially for all the poorly children, that will definately benefit from everyones generosity !

The 2nd period started & straight away, the Bison netted again. A face off to the left of Smital, which was won by Balaz, fell to Aidan Doughty, who without looking, snapped a shot on net, that beat Smital between the five-hole (20.14). That was enough for the Bees bench & Smital was replaced by Adam Goss.

Soon after, a coming together between Tytan Cathcart & Zack Milton would see both players make a visit to the sinbin, Both receiving Roughing minors (22.39).

Just before those penalties had expired, Brendan Baird would pick up a Cross-Checking penalty (24.19), leaving Bees with a very short powerplay opportunity. But, Bison would see off the penalties and both teams would return to full strength.

The Bison would add more salt to the wounded Bees, when Edgars Landsbergs (Balaz, Doughty) finished off a lovely move, with a deft tap in at the back post to beat Goss (26.37), giving the visitors a commanding 5-0 lead and prompted the question “What time is it ? …. It’s 5 past Bees” !

Into the second half of the period and Bees would pick up another penalty.. with Scott Spearing picking up a Roughing call (32.49).

He was soon followed into the penalty box, when Bison’s Hallam Wilson earned himself an Elbows call (33.14).

Again though, Both teams would see off their respective penalties successfully.

Bison almost went further ahead, when young Oli Hemmings-Maher went close, just not being able to lift the puck over Goss in the Bees net, but this did bring another penalty for the Bees, when Stuart Mogg was awarded a Delay of Game penalty, for deliberately knocking the goal off it’s moorings. James Galazzi argued the penalty with Mr Solovjovs, but he wasn’t having any of it and quite frankly, Galazzi should’ve picked up an Unsportsmanlike penalty for his constant ranting. If Mr Matthews had been there, he would’ve flicked the hips in no time. It was that blatant.

But sadly, the Bison powerplay hasn’t been firing as of late and another chance would go begging, as Bees killed the penalty.

That was all for the second period and at the buzzer, Bison took a well deserved 5 goal lead into the locker room.

Into the final period now & it was now a case of how the Bison would go about their business. Would they go all out for more goals or maybe just do the basic things right and keep everything simple, so they wouldn’t have to exert themselves unnecessarily.

That would be helped by Bees player Dan Rose, who picked up an early Tripping call (42.29), giving the Bison a powerplay chance.

As I quoted a few lines ago, the Bison PP hasn’t been too potent of late… so you all know what’s coming up… Yes of course, a powerplay goal !
Aidan Doughty (King, Lubwele) scoring on a big rebound, given up by Goss (43.50).

And they weren’t finished there.. within a minute, the Bison scored again. A lovely backhand finish by the brilliant youngster Oli Hemmings-Maher (Sampford, Balaz), timed at 44.18. I’m so pleased to have witnessed this, as I sadly missed his first Bison goal at Peterborough, a few weeks back.

It was now very comfortable for the visitors & I think a few of us were wondering, if we were going to possibly reach double figures.

Give Bees some credit though, however much they must’ve been hurting inside, they didn’t give up and kept testing the Bison net, however they were thwarted by Lawday, who was making some incredible saves, especially point blank ones.

George Norcliffe would pick up a very soft Hooking call (45.30). Thankfully though, the Penalty Killers did their job again & successfully killed the penalty.

A few minutes later & Thomas Banner, picked up the same Hooking penalty (49.48), giving the Bees powerplay, another chance to get on the board.

Sadly for Jordan, his shut out finally came to an end, when Will Stead (H Stead, Walkom) beat him, timed at 50.14.

Into the final 10 minutes of the game now & there was about to be an almighty flare up between the teams, which is usually brewing, when these two teams meet up.

After a Bees attack, Galazzi got involved with Lawday, behind the play. Didn’t see the start of it, but it appears that Jordan reacted to Galazzi throwing a punch, by Slashing him. This just lead to Galazzi throwing more punches and Lawday retaliated by throwing his own punches back.. then of course, everyone else wants to get involved. There were two extra fights going on, with Thomas Banner & Harvey Stead and Ty Cathcart & Paul Petts, all exchanging blows.
Once the dust had settled, the penalties were as follows…
Lawday picked up a 2 min Slashing call & a 5 min Fighting major. Galazzi picking up just a 5 min Fighting major, which seemed lenient & Banner, Petts, Stead & Cathcart all given 5 min Fighting majors too. All penalties timed at 52.30.

Lawday was escorted off the ice, so Alex Mettam replaced him, between the pipes, for the remaining time.

Bees somehow found themselves on the powerplay, but justice was done, when they failed to make the extra man count & Bison returned to full strength.

Brendan Baird would take another visit to the penalty box, when he flipped the puck over the glass, trying to clear the zone & was correctly awarded a Delay of Game call (54.42). The Bison PK unit would kill the penalty off.

That would be all the action and as the remaining time ran down, the Bison had completed a very pleasing, nay ‘easy’ victory, over our closest rivals, but more importantly it also gave the Bison, a very welcome 4pt Weekend, which have sadly been lacking in recent weeks.

Match Stats:

Bees Stats : W Stead 1+0, H Stead 0+1, Walkom 0+1.
Nets : Smital (15/4) Goss (25/3)

Bison Stats : Doughty 2+2, Balaz 1+2, Lubwele 1+2, Landsbergs 1+1, Norcliffe 1+1, Hemmings-Maher 1+0, Baird 0+2, King 0+1, Sampford 0+1.
Nets : Lawday (26/1) Mettam (5/0)

PiMs : Bees 27 Bison 35

SoG :  Bees 31 Bison 40

MoM Bees : Scott Spearing
MoM Bison : Brendan Baird

The Bison are back in action this coming Saturday (10th Dec), when the Raiders IHC visit the Bison Arena, with a few good tickets still available, these can be purchased by clicking the link:

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