Photograph (C) Tony Sargent

Final Score : Lightning 8  Bison 3

By Nigel Simmonds

Refs : Miss Cuglietta & Mr Matthews    Lino’s : Mr Ions & Mr Olczak

Following on from Saturday evenings feisty encounter, which saw a mini revival by the Bison in the 3rd period, but unfortunately it ended in another loss, your GalxC Cooling Services sponsored Bison, travelled to Buckinghamshire, to face the MK Lightning, for Round Two and hopefully, the start of a major turnaround, that the Bison management/players/fans, are so desperate to see, as we find ourselves in a horrible current slump, which sees the Bison in last place of the table.

The Bison still missing Adam Harding, Paul Petts and nettie Dan Weller-Evans, we’re joined by import Filip Martinec on the injured list. However, Hallam Wilson suited up and the roster was boosted by youngsters Thomas Banner, Elliott Lewis & Junior Bison U-18’s Morgan Parsons was drafted in, as Mettam’s back-up.

Early in the game, MK lost defenceman Ben Russell, when he fell awkwardly into the boards after receiving a check and was led to the dressing room and played no further part.
The Bison were the first to receive a penalty, when Jay King was called for Slashing (6.54), but it was killed successfully.  The Lightning upped the pressure and it paid off, when Sam Talbot scored (11.29), assisted by Chamberlain & Norris.

The over exuberant, nay, borderline liability Bobby Chamberlain, was called for Cross-Checking (14.46), but like the Bison before, the Lightning killed the penalty.

However, Lightning would score again. Ed Knaggs putting a shot in on the Bison net, which Mettam saved, but as he dived out to cover the puck, he dropped his stick, unable to drag the puck back, which led to MK forward Adam Laishram picking it up and slotting home beyond Mettam (18.28).

It had been quite a busy period for Mettsy, as at the end of the period, the Shots on Goal were announced… Stones faced only 10, but Alex faced double that, a whopping 20 shots…..

The 2nd Period started with the Bison only 2 goals down. If we could start well, it would get us back into the game… and we took an early opportunity,  when Aidan Doughty scored (21.11), as he followed up a shot by Alex Roberts, which Stones spilt.

Unfortunately, that only fired up the Lightning and they restored the two goal advantage instantly. Talbot scoring again (21.46), as his shot found a way past Mettam, through the crowded Bison goal mouth.

Worse was to follow, as Liam Stewart, (whose Rock legend father Rod), was in attendance to watch his boy play, scored a nice goal, which came off the underside of the bar, beating Mettam (25.39). Barnes-Garner & Green with the assists.

Then another MK surge forward, saw Stewart being brought down and this time, Mr Matthews decided it was worthy of a penalty shot…. which Stewart himself took and despatched the puck, to net his second goal of the night (26.40).

The Bison had absolutely no answer to the huge amounts of pressure, that Lightning were piling in on our net, it was relentless… a few seconds later and boom…. another MK goal… Talbot completing his hat-trick (27.16), after poking home a Chamberlain cross, from Norris’s pass. Bison captain Elliott Dewey reacted and he received a Roughing call. With the scoreline reading 6-1, Bison called a Time Out, possibly just trying to nullify the intense pressure & try to get themselves back on the game plan, which basically had been blown out of sight.

Liam Morris received a Holding call (29.42), which gave the Lightning another chance to score…. and they didn’t disappoint their fans.
A nice flowing move between Laishram and Stewart, set up Jamieson for a one timer, which flee past Mettam (30.28)… I think at this time, I let out an exacerbated scream of “Make it Stop…..” !!

Bobby Chamberlain earned himself a penalty (32.21), as he slashed Liam Morris, as he skated past, but Matthews saw it and made the call.
MK would kill the penalty though. The game, like the previous evening was quite niggly and Talbot & Sampford clashed as they skated through centre ice, with both receiving ‘co-incidental’ Slashing calls (35.42)

Both teams would return to full strength, but soon after there was another fracas in the corner, after a hit by Aidan Doughty which saw Chamberlain get involved and then Elliott Dewey waded in to fight Chamberlain. Doughty receiving 2 mins for Elbows and Dewey & Chamberlain both receiving 5 min Fighting penalties (38.42).

The remaining time ran down and at the buzzer, the scoreline read, MK 7 Bison 1… SoG were announced as 9 on MK & an other whopping 19 shots on Mettsy. Poor bloke must’ve felt like a duck in a shooting gallery…. !!

As we entered the final period, it was going to need a monumental turn around, if Bison were going to get anything from the game. Maybe just winning the period, would be seen as a small victory…

MK started the period still with 42 secs left on Doughty’s penalty, but Bison would kill off that time & returned to full strength.

A poor line change by Lightning, would see them called for “Too Many Men” bench penalty (44.21) and the Bison took very little time to make the extra man count. Adam Jones bringing a good save from Stones, but Doughty was on hand again, to stuff home the loose puck (44.33).

A couple of minutes later and Doughty would pick up a Hooking call (46.27), but again the Bison kept the Lightning at bay, to would kill the penalty.
Into the final 10 minutes of the game and MK’s Liam Stewart would get called for High-Sticks (53.15), as he caught Ryan Sutton. Thankfully, it didn’t do any damage to Sutts and he skated back to the bench unscathed..

Could the Bison score again .. ?
Yes, was the answer… Roberts finding Tait on the point and Ash threaded a lovely shot through traffic and the puck went in off the post (54.10). I think we all kidded ourselves that the comeback was on, but it was good to see a little spirit still left in the guys, especially after what had gone on before…..

However, Lightning soon put a stop to that, as they completed their scoring…. after another goal mouth scramble saw Halden Barnes-Garner tap home (56.32), after a shot by Milique Martelli, was saved by Mettam.
Again, this created a reaction from both teams and Elliott Dewey & Ross Green were both given 10 min Misconduct penalties for their part & were both sent to their respective dressing rooms, for an early shower.

The final 2 minutes couldn’t come quick enough and as the final buzzer sounded, the Lightning had completed back to back victories over the lowly placed Bison, who now have only 1 win, in our last 12 games… hopefully getting back the injured guys ASAP, will see a turnaround in the teams results…

Man of the Match :
Lightning : Liam Stewart
Bison : Alex Roberts

Stats :
Lightning : Talbot 3+0, Stewart 2+1, Barnes-Garner 1+1, Laishram 1+1, Jamieson 1+0, Chamberlain 0+3, Norris 0+3, Cowley 0+1, Green 0+1, Knaggs 0+1, Landsbergs 0+1, Martelly 0+1.
Nets : Stones 29/3 (89.29%)

Stats :
Bison : Doughty 2+0, Tait 1+0, Roberts 0+2, Jones 0+1.
Nets : Mettam 49/8 (83.67%)

Shots on Goal (SoG) : Lightning 49 Bison 29

Penalties (PiMs) : Lightning 25 Bison 29

The Bison return home again this coming Saturday, as they face another tough double header, this time it’s Aaron Connolly, Dan Scott & the Raiders IHC in the way …


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