FINAL SCORE : RAIDERS 6 BISON 3 (0-0, 2-2, 4-1)

By Nigel Simmonds

Refs : Mr Brooks & Mr Solovjovs
Lino’s : Mr O’Neill & Mr Sore

After Saturday evenings, muchly improved performance & really hard fought game, that still sadly saw the team come up short, in a one goal loss to the Phantoms, your GalxC Cooling Services sponsored Basingstoke Bison, made the trip round the M25 to Essex, to face on the Raiders IHC, based in Romford.

The Bison still without Liam Morris (Suspended), were also missing Roman Cathcart, but Oli Hemmings-Maher would suit up again, almost making himself a permanant fixture, on the senior roster & we were also missing Paul Petts, who picked up an injury, in a nasty incident the previous evening. Fingers crossed he’ll be back in the line-up ASAP.

Ethan James & Alex Mettam would both get the start in net, for their respective team.

After a pretty quiet start, Raiders would pick up the first penalty of the evening, when Tommy Huggett picked up a Slashing call (6.27).

The Bison PP offered very little, apart from a shot from Aidan Doughty, but that was easily gloved by James. Raiders returned to full strength soon after & Huggett was straight back into the action, when he skated in all alone on Mettam, but his shot went wide.

Both netties would be kept busy in next few minutes, with chances by Gomercic, Roberts for the Raiders and Wilson & Lubwele for the Bison, but neither would allow the puck to enter their net.

Huggett would take another visit to the penalty box, when he was called for Charging (15.06). Gaël Lubwele testing James again, with a shot through traffic, but again James was equal to it.

A minute later and Bison would pick up their first penalty, when Aidan Doughty was given a Boarding call (16.16), leaving both teams to a little 4-on-4 hockey. Bison would have a couple of chances, through Norcliffe & Kelly, but both shots were well blocked, by a sturdy Raiders defence, bolstered by the return of Dan Scott.

Both teams would return to full strength soon after and Roberts would test Mettam again, but still no bueno. Mettsy would come up big again soon after, when he denied Brandon Ayliffe, after the speedster, skated in from the wing and got his shot off.

That was all the action for the first period, with both netties being the busiest out on the ice. James faced 9 shots, whilst Mettam turned away 15 shots.

Bison would start the quicker in the 2nd period, with Balaz & Landsbergs both forcing James into action, but he gloved both attempts with ease.

Bison would then pick up a couple of quick penalties, that would see them hand Raiders the perfect opportunity to go ahead. Firstly, Josh Kelly was called for Tripping (23.29) & he was quickly joined by Marcus Mitchell, on a Boarding call (24.11), thus giving Raiders a fair chunk of time with a two man advantage. Roberts saw his shot blocked, before Raiders finally beat Mettam, when yep, you guessed it, Aaron Connolly (Roberts, Gomercic) lit the lamp (25.17). Bison managed to see off Mitchell’s penalty and returned to full strength.

Then it was Raiders turn to hit penalty trouble. Matthieu Gomercic with a Slashing call (27.14) & 30 secs later, Aaron Connolly joined him, with a Hooking call (27.40).

This gave the visitors the perfect opportunity to get back into the game, which they did, through Gaël Lubwele (Milton, Balaz) netting (28.03). Raiders successfully killed off the remaining time of Connolly’s penalty.

Hallam Wilson would get called for Slashing (33.08), but Bison would have the best chance whilst short-handed, when Lubwele skated in one-on-one on James, but agonisingly fired just wide.

Bison would return to full strength, but as sometimes happens, they would concede soon after. Raiders Jake Sylvester (Ayliffe, Relf) netting clinically (35.20), putting them back in front.

Bison would go back on the PP quickly, with Jack Cooper assessed a Boarding call (35.47). But Raiders PK unit would kill the penalty.

Bison would level the scoreline again, when ‘on form’ d-man Brendan Baird (Norcliffe) notched another one in the goal column (38.38).

Into the final minute of the period and an unsavoury incident, which saw Josh Kelly taken out. Thankfully, he got up under his own steam and returned to the Bison bench unassisted.

After a lengthy debate, the officials decided to throw out Tommy Huggett, with a 5 min Slew Footing Major penalty (39.43).
That was it for 2nd period action. Both teams going into their dressing rooms level at 2 apiece.

Shots on goal : Mettam facing only 7 shots, but James was far the busier nettie, facing a whopping 19 shots.

The visitors would have the best start to the 3rd period, with alot of time remaining on the Huggett powerplay.

The 3rd period started and Bison disappointingly, hardly tested James in the Raiders net. Then to rub salt into the wound, Hallam Wilson picked up a poor Tripping penalty (42.51), nullifying the remaining powerplay time.
Raiders were called for a penalty soon after, but as an offside was called on the play, the penalty was not given.

Sadly though, the Bison’s inability to score on the powerplay, ultimately cost them big time. Raiders went ahead again, with Jake Sylvester (Relf) netting his second of the evening (43.30). Then to make matters worse, Raiders netted again quickly … Harry Gulliver (Sylvester, Relf) finding the net (44.06).

This prompted Bison Coach Ashley Tait, to call his ‘Time Out’, where he fumed his displeasure to his team.

Both teams returned to full strength, but that didn’t stop the Raiders onslaught… a couple of minutes later and the home side would net again.. an ex-Bison players goal, with Ashley Jackson (Dewey, Connolly) scoring (47.15).

Bison looked shell-shocked, but Raiders weren’t going to ease up on their opponents, as Jake Sylvester (Gulliver, Scott) completed his hat-trick, with another clinical finish (49.27).. it was quoted, that if this had been a boxing match, the towel would’ve been thrown in, to stop the punishment the Bison were taking.

Coach Tait did take this opportunity to make a Netminder change, with Jordan Lawday replacing Alex Mettam.

Raiders would get another powerplay opportunity, when Zack Milton picked up a Tripping call (49.54). But, thankfully the Bison saw off the penalty and Zack returned to the ice.

Into the final 6 minutes of the game and there was a melee at centre ice, with it all kicking off, with players from both teams all getting involved.

After another long conflab between the officials, the following penalties were called.. Raiders Mikey Power gets a Match penalty for Fighting.

Callum Wells gets a Game Penalty, for Leaving the Bench & Dan Scott picks up a 2 min Roughing call.

The Bison penalties read as follows, Marcel Balaz receives a 2 min Cross-Checking penalty & a Match Slew-Foot Penalty, Brendan Baird picks up a 2 min Roughing call & then also, the Bison Bench pick up a Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty… all timed at 54.26.

This gave the Raiders a powerplay, but Bison would see off the penalty successfully.

Bison would net a consolation goal, when Edgars Landsbergs (Hemmings-Maher) finished off a good move (57.38). Another point for young Oli, who really is relishing ever opportunity he gets, with the step up to the senior team. In my eyes, he’s proving to be, one of our most consistent players recently.

The remaining time ran down in the game and at the final buzzer there was another little coming together between the teams, but the officials quickly dispersed the players, to their respective areas and the handshakes soon followed ..

Gaël Lubwele would pick up the beers for the visitors, whilst hat-trick hero Jake Sylvester, would collect the home sides award.

Match Stats:

Raiders Stats : Sylvester 3+1, Connolly 1+1, Gulliver 1+1, Jackson 1+0, Relf 0+3, Ayliffe 0+1, Dewey 0+1, Gomercic 0+1, Roberts 0+1, Scott 0+1.
Nets : James (36/3)

Bison Stats : Baird 1+0, Landsbergs 1+0, Lubwele 1+0, Balaz 0+1, Hemmings-Maher 0+1, Milton 0+1, Norcliffe 0+1.
Nets : Mettam (32/6)  Lawday (5/0)

PiMs : Raiders 82 Bison 43
SoG :  Raiders 37 Bison 36

MoM Raiders : Jake Sylvester
MoM Bison : Gaël Lubwele

The Bison will be back in action on Boxing Day, when the Swindon Wildcats are the visitors, to the Bison Arena. Face Off is 5.30pm.

Good seats are still available ….

I’d really like to take this opportunity to wish, John, Ash, Tosh, all the players, Gary, Tony (Skinns), Nikki & of course, not forgetting, the best & loudest fans… a very Happy Christmas to you all … See you on Boxing Day !!

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