Image (C) Jo Loat

FINAL SCORE : SEAHAWKS 4 BISON 3 (OT)  (0-2, 1-0, 2-1, 1-0)

By Nigel Simmonds

Refs : Mr Roger & Mr Sewell
Lino’s : Mr Devany & Mr Smith

After Saturday evenings, late disappointing loss, to the Swindon Wildcats, your GalxC Cooling Services sponsored Basingstoke Bison, made the long old trip up North, to Hull, to take on the Seahawks, who pushed MK all the way the previous evening, eventually losing in a shoot-out.

The Bison scratches this game, were Neil Liddiard, Carl Graham, Paul Petts, Oli Hemmings-Maher, Alex Sampford & Aidan Doughty.
Roman Cathcart made a return to the line-up, since recovering from injury.

Jordan McLaughlin & Alex Mettam would both get the start between the pipes, for their respective teams.

The visitors would get off to a great start, when Bison skipper George Norcliffe (Baird, Landsbergs), scored a nice wraparound goal (1.31), giving them a great springboard, so early in the game.

Both teams would create good scoring chances and both netties found themselves quite busy, making good saves.

Hull would pick up the first penalty of the evening, when import Emil Svec, was awarded a Tripping call (14.41), which would bring out the Bison Powerplay unit.

Just 24secs into the penalty, #24 for the Bison Zack Milton, put the visitors into a 2-0 lead (15.05). Milton sniping home, after good work from Gaël Lubwele & Thomas Banner.

A minute later and it would be the Bison that picked up a penalty. Edgars Landsbergs picking up a Slashing call (16.26), giving the Seahawks a great chance to get a goal back straight away.
The Bison managed to kill a big part of the penalty, but just before it expired, George Norcliffe was also called for Slashing (18.05). This gave the home team, 21secs of a two man advantage. Thankfully, they saw off the Landbergs penalty and also, managed to get to first period break, without conceding, meaning the Bison went into the locker room with a healthy 2-0 lead.

Hull would start the 2nd period with just 6secs remaining on the penalty to Norcliffe, but that was killed successfully by the Bison.
But, only a few seconds later, Emil Svec (Ulrick, Towner) would reduce the deficit, with a crisp slap shot, that rattled in off the pipework (20.37) beating Mettam.

Hallam Wilson would pick a penalty for Clipping (21.32), but the Bison would see off the penalty and return to full strength.

A few minutes on and Hull’s Tommy Ralph would sit out a Tripping call (28.23). But, like the Bison, the Seahawks would kill off the penalty successfully.

Over the half way mark now in the game and there would be a bit of afters, following a penalty on the play. Bison’s Gaël Lubwele picked up a Slashing call, but he was followed to the penalty box, as Hull’s Declan Balmer, was given an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty. Both penalties timed at 34.34.

Sadly, neither team could find the opposing teams net, so they both returned to full strength, when the penalties expired.

That would be all the action for the 2nd period and as the buzzer sounded, the scoreline read 1-2 in favour of the visitors, going into the 3rd period, which would be quite important for both sides.


The puck dropped for the start of the 3rd period and as I said, the next 20mins would be important for both teams. The Bison needing the victory to keep themselves in 7th place and Hull, although probably too far behind, need to start picking up wins & points. If they put together a good run of results, there’s a very slim, but outside possibility, of maybe securing 8th & the final spot for the Play-Offs.

Again, both teams created chances, but both netties were earning their corn, with good saves.

Into the final 10 minutes of the game now and the Bison still holding a slender one goal advantage. But, that would soon change, when Hallam Wilson (Milton) netted for the Bison (51.04).

Hallam has picked up a few goals recently, which is good to see, as he deserves some credit, for the work he puts in, week in week out, which sometimes goes unrecognised.

This gave the visitors a good lead now and it was just a case of holding on and seeing off the Seahawks advances.

Unfortunately, Hull weren’t going down without a fight. They have a good team on paper, but they have had a pretty torrid season so far. Having been hit by one thing after another this season, which has led them to be in the position they occupy at the current time.

Two quick goals though, would rock the Bison and get the home fans back on their feet and pump up the noise in the rink. Firstly, gritty wind up merchant Nathan Salem (Svec, Towner) netted at 53.53 and then that was soon followed up by Emil Svec (Balmer) tying up the scores, just over 30 secs later (54.34).

Just over 5mins to go now and it was going to be a real tense final few minutes…

Bison would get a great chance to get a go ahead goal, when James Archer had a bit of a mad moment. He picked up 2 + 2 for Roughing (56.51), thus given the Bison a powerplay for the remaining time of the period.

They tried hard, but McLaughlin in the Hull net was standing on his head and pulling off great save, after great save. Very frustrating indeed.

At 58.24, the Bison used their Time Out, with Coach Tait trying to rally his players & set up a perfect play, that would get the goal and see them get the victory and make the long journey home, alot more enjoyable.

McLaughlin pulled off another good last gasp save to deny the Bison and time ran down on the period.
Both teams earning a point, but there was now a 5 min sudden death overtime, for that much needed extra point.

Bison would have the man advantage, as Archers penalty still had some time left on it.
Hull had a couple of chances, as did the Bison, but neither could find the net. Then, Hull broke down the left wing with Dec Balmer picking out Sam Towner, who slipped the puck into the path of Finlay Ulrick and his burst of speed got him on the inside of the last Bison d-man and out in front of the net. He managed to get Mettam to commit himself and then lifted the puck high into the net, to end the game and give the home side a precious victory (61.00).

It was disappointing result for the visitors, especially after leading 3-1 with under 10mins to play. But, a point’s a point and who knows, that point may be all important, come the end of the season.

Gaël Lubwele was named as MoM for the Bison, whilst game winning scorer Finlay Ulrick, was picked for the Seahawks.

Seahawks Stats : Svec 2+1, Ulrick 1+1,,Salem 1+0, Towner 0+3, Balmer 0+2.
Nets : McLaughlin  (40/3)

Bison Stats : Milton 1+1, Norcliffe 1+1, Wilson 1+0, Baird 0+1, Banner 0+1, Lubwele 0+1.
Nets : Mettam (53/4)

PiMs : Seahawks 10 Bison 8
SoG :  Seahawks 53 Bison 40

Bison return to action this week, but it’ll be on Sunday (19th Feb), when the Leagues leaders, the Leeds Knights, make the trip down to the Bison Arena (Face Off – 5.30pm).

Good Seats are still available by clicking the following link: – Don’t miss out …..


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